Activities: Utilizing Natural Resources – Sun, Wind, Water and Earth for Environmentally Friendly Construction and Cost and Energy Savings
Summary of Advantages – GreenBiet Ltd.
The GreenBiet Company offers many advantages to the constructor and purchaser. The many principles are:
The Vision

The GreenBiet Company Ltd. was established by Elkana Keter, the entrepreneur. Its vision offers a new model for an ecological house, which retains comfortable temperatures throughout the year's seasons. This is achieved while maintaining a combination of standard building components, reasonable upkeep and fair and attractive costs.
Directive Board - GreenBiet

:The Ecology: The "GreenBiet," as stated above, saves approximately 50-90% in energy costs. It decreases the emission of dangerous gases to the environment.

Economic: The financial value is assessed by a direct yearly savings in energy. The yearly savings is valued at 50-90% as opposed to the yearly energy costs of a regular house.

Profitable: Functional
The "GreenBiet" offers a system for constructing buildings, which have a constant temperature between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius throughout the year. Cell no. 050-460-1043
David is a man with Zionistic vision and personal accomplishments.
Education – David studied industry, business development and implementing companies.
David has 55 years of experience in administration and establishing multi-national companies in Israel, Europe and the United States. David established the first two high – tech factories in Yokneam. In addition, he employed many workers both in England and the United States. He also managed investment banks in New York, England, Germany and Israel. He was a member of; and, consultant for the Nevada Development Authority in the United States. He has important connections with investors in Israel and abroad.
Several years ago he returned to Israel and built his home in Meitar in the desert. He is the owner of Matmon LLC Enterprises. The company's web site is The company operates as a branch in Israel. The company's goal is to encourage entrepreneurship in the field of unique business and industrial development in the south.
Elkana Keter – President
Elkana was born in the year 1962 in Sweden. There he absorbed from his father the knowledge of building with natural materials which integrate with the surroundings. When he studied Electronic Engineering in Sweden, he showed an interest in alternative energy. After getting married, he moved to Spain. There he specialized in heating systems maintenance and also conducted several experiments with innovations and improvements in comfortable home living (solar power heating and under floor heating). In the year 2005, the Keter Family made aliya to Israel and settled in the Negev Desert. Elkana applied his personal cumulative knowledge and constructed a low energy home, integrating local cumulative knowledge from Ben-Gurion University's Branch, located in Midreshet Ben-Gurion in Sde Boker. The construction of the home drew wide public interest. This encouraged him to construct similar buildings. And, as such, advance the idea of establishing a company; which will engage in the field of constructing smart, ecological buildings in Israel and throughout the world.

Oded Klein - CEO
Mobile: +972 52 7373430
Oded Klein is a graduate of M.A in Public Policy at the Bar Ilan University in Israel and a B.A in Pysical Education. In the past 15 years he is managing and consulting to commercial centers, real estate companies, sports clubs and various business entrepreneurship. He is well experienced in working with government offices and local authorities.Oded believes that GreenBeit is the next start up in ecological construction.
Shlomo Edelstein - Board Member
Cell no. 050-887-0166
Shlomo is the director of Oria Electricity, a sophisticated commercial business in the electronic device field. The business, located in Be'er Sheva, employs 15 workers. Personal experience: initiating and establishing agricultural settlements. This includes establishment of projects, such as chicken coops, dairy barns, field, and plantation growth. He guided settlements of the "Amanah" movement. In the year 1993, he established a business in the electricity field for construction and factories. These serve the factory industries in the south. He continues to serve his customers. He is a member and deputy mayor of the Meitar Municipality (for approximately the past ten years). Mr. Edelstein is a partner and entrepreneur of projects in the field of energy saving. He is a member of the Office of Commerce. He is a member of the office's financial committee. He guides new enterprises in a variety of areas; mainly in the green energy field.
Noah Ehrlich – Board Member
Cell no. 052-394-3440
Noah has thirty years of experience in multi-national companies. He is experienced in general management, financial and economic management; and, marketing management in the fields of water and chemicals for agriculture. He has held a variety of positions in the Dead Sea Brom Groups in Israel and the United States. He served as C.E.O. of subsidiary Israeli companies in the United States; both production and marketing companies. He managed a business division in the financial and marketing fields. He served as a board member of the Teva Company chemical division. He held the position of management of global resources. Mr. Ehrlich managed Arkal Filter Systems. He is presently a consultant for marketing products for small Israeli companies in North America.
He holds a Master's Degree in Business Management from Northridge University in California. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Entrepreneur: GreenBiet Company Ltd.

חברת בניה מא' - ת' ארנגטית בשימוש במשאבים טבעיים: שמש, רוח, מים ואדמה, לבנייה ידידותית לסביבה וחסכון בעלות האנרגיה